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Social work with older people

Karin Crawford and Janet Walker
1st ed.. Learning Matters, 2004

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Social work with older people

Judith Phillips, Mo Ray and Mary Marshall
4th ed.. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006

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Working with older people and their families

edited by Mike Nolan, Sue Davies, and Gordon Grant
Open University Press, 2001

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Continuing care for older people

edited by Michael J. Denham
Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd., 1997

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Long-term care of older people : a practical guide

Elaine M. Brody ; with two guest chapters by Stanley J. Brody
Human Sciences Press, c1977

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Developing services for older people and their families

edited by Rosemary Bland
Jessica Kingsley, 1996

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Quality of life for older people : an international perspective

William R. Lassey, Marie L. Lassey
Prentice Hall, c2001

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「豐盛晚年齊關心」 : 安老服務研討會,一九八八年一月二十日至三十日

香港耆康老人福利會,社會福利署合辦 ; 周永新主編
香港耆康老人福利會 : 社會福利署, 1988

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蔡宏昭 著
初版.. 桂冠圖書, 1989

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Ageing in the community : a research on the designing of everyday life environment for the elderly : research report

[editor, Kwok Yan-chi, Jackie]
World-Making Workshop, 1999

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1版.. 中文大學出版社, 2001

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深水埗臨時區議會, 香港明愛醫院, 香港城市大學
該團體, 1999

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採訪撰文: 江瓊珠 ; 策劃: 救世軍護老者服務
1版.. 進一步多媒體, 2006

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梅陳玉嬋, 齊銥, 徐永德 著
香港大學出版社, 2008

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安老事務委員會, 勞工及福利局聯合製作 ; 香港電台電視部製作 ; 監製張少馨 ; 編導潘婉儀 ... [et al.]
香港電台, 2008

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Aging and mental health : positive psychosocial and biomedical approaches

Robert N. Butler, Myrna I. Lewis, Trey Sunderland
5th ed.. Allyn & Bacon, c1998

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Older persons in Southeast Asia : an emerging asset

edited by Evi Nurvidya Arifin, Aris Ananta
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2009

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The caring relationship : elderly people and their families

Hazel Qureshi, Alan Walker
Macmillan Education, 1989

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